Pelham Chapel

Pelham Chapel

Located on the south-eastern side of the area known today as The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Pelham Chapel is a non-denominational chapel erected with donations started by the Pelham Artillery Unit, a part of the Famed First Virginia Cavalry led by J.E.B. Stuart. Called “The Gallant Pelham” for his military prowess and personal courage, Pelham revolutionized the usage of light artillery as a mobile arm of the cavalry. His troops began the fund raising in his honor.

The chapel was designed in the Carpenter-Gothic style by architect Marion J. Dimmock. It was dedicated in 1887 to the Confederate war dead.

The pews are hand-hewn, and there are eight commemorative stained glass windows. The organ was donated by Union veterans from Lynn, Massachusetts.

In addition to regular worship services, over 1,700 funerals were held at the chapel during the 54 years the chapel served Robert E. Lee Camp #1, “The Old Soldiers’ Home”.

The Chapel is open Wednesday through Sunday, 11:00am to 3:00pm. An interpreter provided by the Lee-Jackson Camp #1 is on hand to provide insights and historical footnotes to the chapel and the camp. There is no charge.